Taking a Cannabis Tolerance Break

Cannabis tolerance is the phenomenon of needing increasing amounts of cannabis to achieve the same level of effects you could initially achieve with lower doses. If you’re noticing that it’s taking more and more weed to get you high, then it might be time to take a tolerance break (sometimes known as a “t-break”).

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Why Do I Need A Weed Tolerance Break?

People become tolerant to weed and other psychoactive substances because of the way that our bodies adapt to regular exposure. Our tolerance thresholds naturally increase, meaning more of the drug is needed to reach a certain level of effect.

Tolerance can be caused by both physiological and psychological factors, with different individuals responding differently to cannabis consumption.

Physiologically speaking, cannabis tolerance develops due to changes in the body’s metabolism, as well as a reduction in the density of CB1 receptors in response to regular cannabis use.

Psychologically speaking, high tolerance could be a result of habituation – when people become accustomed to their environment or situation – or an adaptation of their mental state that enables them to better handle the effects of cannabis.

Reset Your Relationship To Weed

Cannabis is not physically addictive in the way that tobacco or alcohol are, but anything that makes you feel good has the potential to become psychologically addictive. Think about gambling. It is for the best for your relationship with cannabis to be a healthy one, and a tolerance break is a good way to assess that. For example, does the idea of taking a voluntary t-break make you feel anxious? If so you definitely should take one.

The good news is that there as there is no physical dependence there is no such thing as cannabis withdrawal symptoms – you won’t get the shakes or uncontrollable physical cravings just because you put down the pipe for a while.

Psychological Dependence

It’s important to recognize the signs of psychological dependence and take steps to address it before it becomes a problem. Psychological addiction is characterized by an overwhelming need for cannabis, cravings that are difficult to control, and marijuana tolerance levels that increase over time.

People with a psychological dependence on cannabis will often find themselves using the drug to escape from certain emotions or situations, even when they don’t want or need it. In many cases, these individuals may start avoiding activities and social gatherings where cannabis use isn’t allowed to protect their habit.

Is your enjoyment of cannabis causing you to change your behavior in harmful ways? Are you smoking cannabis regularly because it has become routine rather than something you enjoy doing? Maybe it is time to reset your cannabis use with a tolerance break.

Health Benefits

Regardless of the cause, tolerance can lead to increased consumption and therefore increased risk for adverse health effects associated with long-term heavy cannabis use. In addition to potential health issues, long-term heavy heavy cannabis users can also experience memory impairment, difficulty concentrating, and attention deficits. If you find yourself less motivated at work, perhaps with an uncharacteristic tendency towards laziness where there was none before, it might be time to back off.

How Long Should A Tolerance Break Be?

A tolerance break should last anywhere from 1 week to 6 weeks, depending on how long you have been using cannabis and how much your tolerance has built up. During this time, avoid all consumption of cannabis products in any form – no vaping, dabbing, edibles, tinctures, or smoking! It may seem daunting at first but trust us when we say that it’s worth it in the long run.


So if you’ve been imbibing THC containing cannabis products regularly for a while, take a tolerance break! Tolerance breaks help reset your THC tolerance level and allow you to enjoy cannabis as much as you did when you first started using it. You might even find that a t-break can be good for improving productivity, creativity, and overall mental well-being. So don’t stress if you decide to take a t break – embrace it! It may just be the best thing you ever do for yourself.