How To Roll and Smoke a Joint

Probably the first of the smoking methods that come to mind when you’re thinking about consuming cannabis is a good old fashioned joint. They’re a great way to smoke weed – they work exactly like cigarettes so they’re familiar to many people already used to smoking, they’re highly portable, easy to dispose of, you can put them out and finish them later, and they’re easy to put together – all you need is some skins, some weed, and a lighter and away you go! Of all the ways to smoke weed, it’s the most low tech by far compared to other methods of cannabis consumption.

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Some say it’s the ideal method. There are others – bongs, such as a gravity bong; you could use a one hitter; you could use a glass pipe; you could choose different consumption methods entirely, like cannabis edibles, cannabis oil, cannabis balms, transdermal patches, dab rigs, and other cannabis products… It’s all cannabinoids and THC. Nobody will argue it is the healthier alternative. It’s not my favorite way to consume weed, but I keep coming back to it!

Discover the Best Way to Smoke Weed For You

Discover the Best Way to Smoke Weed For You

Smoke weed, smoke pot, smoke cannabis, smoke marijuana – whatever you call it you want to know the best smoking method for you. Whether you’re an experienced smoker, or this is your first time smoking legalized recreational cannabis or medical…

Whether it’s your first time smoking weed or you’re a joint rolling veteran, there are several different methods when it comes to how to roll your joint. But before getting into the “how,” let’s quickly cover the basics about joint types and shapes.

Joint Types

When it comes to joint types, there are three primary categories: cones, spliffs, and blunts. A cone is simply just marijuana in a joint – no tobacco added – whereas a spliff contains both marijuana and tobacco. Spliffs tend to burn more slowly than cones due to the presence of nicotine from the tobacco, and some say provide a less harsh smoking experience. To get the tobacco you can slice open a cigarette, or just roll it gently between your fingers until the tobacco loosens and starts falling out.


A blunt is a joint rolled using cigar or cigarillo wraps (known as blunt wraps) instead of rolling papers. They usually contain much more marijuana than a typical joint, so blunts are typically shared among multiple people. The primary difference between a blunt and a joint is the size; blunts are larger due to the wrap being made from tobacco leaves instead of paper. They also have a distinct tobacco taste.

Joint Shapes

Joint shapes are mainly about the kind of experience you want to have consuming cannabis. Some joint smokers prefer a thin joint for an easier smoke while others like extra girth for more surface area to burn evenly. If your joint is to be shared around a large group then you might want to stick a few papers together to make it longer. There is also a whole scene of people rolling wacky shapes, but that’s not what we’re into here!

Rolling The Hard Way


The classic manual joint roll technique is probably the most common way people roll joints. This involves using your hands to grind up the cannabis on a flat surface, forming it into an even layer of marijuana on some rolling paper, then folding it over into a tube shape and gently pressing down along its length before sealing off the edges. It’s hard to make the joint tight using this method, and loose joints tend to go out and in the worst case just fall apart in your hands!

Three Stage

Another popular joint rolling method is known as the three stage joint roll. This one involves first rolling the joint in your hands, with the gum edge at the top and facing you, then then the joint is sealed off with saliva or glue before being trimmed up into its perfect joint shape.

This is harder than it sounds and takes some practice. It’s best to use a grinder to grind up the weed rather than your fingers – it will be easier to spread evenly as it will be more consistent, and if you’re rolling a spliff you can add the tobacco into the grinder; give it a shake and it’s perfectly mixed!

The hard part comes after you’ve rolled and rolled the weed within the paper so that it’s holding its shape, and it’s time to fold it over, tucking the lower part of the paper behind the rolled weed and rolling it up before licking. Very easy to screw it up at this point – some weed may fall. Always better to do this over a clean flat surface than, say, a deep pile rug!

Controlling the Shape

When you get good at this you can control the shape of the joint, making it into a cone shape, thick, thin or whatever. I always like to take a small piece of rolled up card (something like a business card has the perfect combination of thinness and stiffness) and insert it into one end to make a mouthpiece, also known as a crutch or a filter. It’s not a filter in the sense that it actually filters anything, but it resembles the filter on a cigarette in that it’s where you hold the joint. As well as giving you something to hold, it will keep the end of the joint open even with some saliva, and you’ll be able to smoke more smoke before the joint smoke gets too hot and unpleasant.

Pack It

Take a pen or something similar to pack the cannabis flower from the other end – you don’t want it to be too loose, but too tight has its own drawbacks, such as making it harder to draw. Twist the end without the mouthpiece to seal it off, give it a shake for luck, and away you go!

Rolling a Blunt

Rolling a blunt is very similar to rolling a joint. You need to start with a blunt wrap, which is basically a thicker version of paper you’d use for rolling joints made from tobacco. Start by opening up the wrap and sprinkling the cannabis evenly along its length. Then shape it into a cylinder, pinch the edges together, and roll it between your fingertips until it’s tightly packed. Lastly, lick one end and press it firmly against the other to seal it. Voila – you’ve got a freshly-rolled blunt!

Rolling The Easy Way

Maybe this isn’t a skill you want to learn, not something you want to be good at. Maybe you just want to roll a joint and smoke weed with the minimum fuss and the least chance of screwing everything up. Well, you can!

Because the people who make rolling papers have also very smartly elected to make pre rolls of various sizes – we’d always recommend getting a size up from what you think you need, as you’re less likely to overfill accidentally. You can also get little plastic fillers – basically funnels you stick into the end of the pre-rolled cone to help you get your weed in there. Add a grinder and you have a very simple, almost fool proof process for smoking weed! The only downside is it’s more to carry around with you, but if you like to consume cannabis at home just keep it all in a box and you’re ready to smoke!

How To Smoke a Joint

Weed smoking is much easier than rolling joints. Just stick the thin end in your mouth (you used a crutch, right?) light it up and suck it into your lungs! One method I actually prefer is to light up before putting it in my mouth – if there’s any excess paper on the end that will end up being your first mouthful, and we’re not here to smoke paper!

The best way to smoke weed is with friends. There’s something about passing around a joint that just adds to the experience – plus, there’s no cleanup involved! Just flick away when you’re done and you’re all set.


No matter which joint rolling technique you decide to use, the important thing is that your joint smokes well and makes for a great smoking experience. Whether it’s using classic manual joint rolls or pre-rolled cones with plastic fillers, there are many options available when it comes to smoking marijuana. With practice and patience, even novice smokers can become joint rolling masters! So get out those grinders and rolling papers – let’s get smoking weed!