How Long Does a High Last?

If you have never smoked marijuana or eaten cannabis edibles but are intrigued, one of the factors that may be holding you back is not knowing what to expect. How am I going to feel? Will there be a hangover? How long does a cannabis high last?

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The Unknown

Traditionally people have been introduced to cannabis consumption by their friends, or maybe family. As the cannabis plant has been classified as a Class B drug there wasn’t really another way to get it, so it came with its own mentorship by default. Somebody had to talk you into it, and that person could tell you what to expect.

Now as marijuana becomes legal for more and more Americans this has changed. It is perfectly possible to never have known anybody who smoked cannabis and just decide one day to walk into a legal dispensary and walk out with a bag of weed. But what exactly should you expect? Cheech and Chong and Seth Rogen can only tell you so much.

So Here It Is

When smoking cannabis, the high typically lasts for a few hours. Depending on how much you smoke and your own personal tolerance, it can last anywhere from two to four hours. Of course, everyone’s experience is different—some may feel effects for longer or shorter than others. As the main psychoactive compound is stored in body fat your weight and body fat percentage also play a role.

It is generally a good idea to clear your schedule for a few hours at least – you won’t be completely incapable, but don’t expect to be completing any complicated tasks, have important conversations, and certainly don’t operate a vehicle!

The high doesn’t end suddenly, but rather tapers off. You may be fine and capable after just a couple of hours, but a pleasant lethargy will linger. You may be capable of doing a task, but you won’t feel motivated to do it!

For this reason, I tend to smoke in the evening, after the day’s work is done. But I do know people who smoke during the work day – depending on the job this can be ok for some people. If your job is tedious it might even help, as long as you are not in a position to endanger anybody, including yourself!

Discover the Best Way to Smoke Weed For You

Discover the Best Way to Smoke Weed For You

Smoke weed, smoke pot, smoke cannabis, smoke marijuana – whatever you call it you want to know the best smoking method for you. Whether you’re an experienced smoker, or this is your first time smoking legalized recreational cannabis or medical…

The method of smoking and how much weed you smoke also impact the duration of your high. If you’re consuming edibles, the high will often last much longer than smoking or vaping cannabis flower. The effects of edibles can be felt up to 12 hours after consumption! This is because the THC needs to be digested by your body before it enters your bloodstream. When smoking or vaping (or dabbing) weed, the effects are almost immediate as they enter directly into your system through direct inhalation.

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How Long Does It Take to Kick In?

Smoking or vaping cannabis will generally bring on a marijuana high within minutes. It will peak after about ten minutes or so, then last for two to four hours. With cannabis edibles, it can take up to two hours for the effects to peak and they can linger for up to 24 hours. Discipline is very important when it comes to edibles – don’t take more because you’re not sure if the first batch worked! Give it at least an hour before making that determination.

In addition, smoking before bed can cause the high to last longer. Since you’ll be sleeping for most of the duration, it will usually feel like a much longer session than it really was. And you will sleep like a log!

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

As cannabis becomes legal in more and more states, the worry regular cannabis users have about failing a drug test will start to recede into the distance. But drug testing will continue to be a factor for many people, as…

The type of cannabis strain also plays a role in how long your high lasts. Certain strains with higher levels of THC can give you an intense and prolonged high. If this is something that interests you, look for strains with higher-than-average amounts of THC, or consider dabbing. Like smoking, the high comes on quickly but can be more intense. It lasts for about the same amount of time.

And What Is It Like?

It is different for everybody, and the experience can vary widely depending on the type of weed, your environment, and your state of mind. It is possible to have an unpleasant time, particularly if you smoke too much too quickly. But it won’t last too long, isn’t dangerous, and you can do things to help.

What Does It Feel Like To Be High?

What Does It Feel Like To Be High?

Different people have different experiences, but that’s not to say some things are not generally true. In order to make this readable I will avoid using phrases like “for me” or “in my experience”. You should feel free to mentally…


Generally speaking, Sativa heavy strains will give you more of a head high. You may feel that your brain feels somewhat unlocked to wander down paths it wouldn’t usually go down. These are not usually productive but can be vastly entertaining. Did you ever wonder why they call them fingers but you never see them fing? This is great if you want to laugh for twenty minutes about something your friend said that neither of you can remember. And who doesn’t?


Indica provides more of a body high, which is to say a feeling of relaxation and inertia. This is closer to the experience of having a couple of glasses of wine after a long day to take the edge off. Well, maybe a few glasses. You will feel relaxed and pleasant, but maybe not very sociable. This is what people refer to as “couch lock” – it’s going to take a lot to get you to stand up. If you find when you smoke weed you often just fall asleep you are probably smoking too much Indica. Unless that’s what you’re looking for, then smoke more Indica!


Hybrid strains are a cross between Sativa and Indica. Depending on the proportions you will get a mix of the two experiences – a creative head high along with bone deep relaxation. This is great for meditating.

You can also make blends by mixing cannabis strains to achieve certain states. This is going to take some trial and error, but will be fun!

Marijuana for Meditation

Marijuana for Meditation

This is not an article about meditating while stoned. It’s about leveraging the state of altered consciousness that cannabis can induce to meditate deeply and look inwards to learn more about yourself and help sort through issues that may be…

The Hangover

This is not inevitable, but as with any mood-altering substance too much of it can produce an unpleasant feeling when the high goes away. With cannabis products, this usually takes the form of unpleasant lethargy, brain fog, and a general feeling of being two beats behind where you want to be. This is avoidable simply by not overindulging. You will have to learn what your tolerances are, but as always the best advice is to start small and work your way up.

How To Get Unhigh

How To Get Unhigh

A weed high is great, but as with other drugs too much THC can be bad (that’s what “too much” means!) It can make a person feel worse, not better, if too much cannabis is taken, whatever the consumption method.…


Smoking cannabis isn’t for everybody. You might not enjoy the cannabis high, you might hate the feeling of not being alert, or you might find it makes you paranoid or anxious. But it is not dangerous – you’re not going to think you can fly and jump out a window. And if one strain doesn’t work for you there may be another that you will love. Keep an open mind, be responsible, and enjoy the journey!